How do I create a RefWorks account?
RefWorks is the premier citation management tool of ProQuest's ExLibris Knowledge Center. To use this tool, you will have to create an account.
Create a RefWorks Account
- Go to the library homepage.
- Select the R in the Databases A to Z alphabetical list below the library search box.
- Select RefWorks from the alphabetical list.
- From the login page, select Create Account. Make sure to use your Chamberlain email address to set up an account.
- After you fill out the required information, you should receive a confirmation email with a link. Select the link to activate your account.
Once you create an account, you will be able to do the following:
- manage citations
- collect, manage, and organize full-text documents
- collaborate by sharing collections
- import citations from EBSCO, ProQuest and OVID and perform an RIS import from PubMed